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COMM495 First Blog Post

I set up my Wix account in 2015, so I don’t remember the easiest part. I do feel the entire platform is very user-friendly, and I have enjoyed using and maintaining it. The most challenging part has been attending to the minutiae. Simple changes require multiple steps of work. For example, if a reference has changed a phone number, I have to edit the original document, upload as PDF, go into the Wix account, delete old PDF, upload new PDF, then change it on the actual page itself. I don’t mind the work; I just tend to obsess over details and ensuring everything is correct and up to date.

I look forward to this class and learning about computer-mediated communication (CMC). CMC is human communication that goes through computers. Examples include email, text, and videos. Thurlow, Lengel, and Tomic, (2012) define it as “…any human communication achieved through, or with the help of, computer technology” (p. 15).

CMC plays an enormous role in my personal and professional life. Personally, I use email, text, Facebook, and Skype to stay in communication with family that lives in other cities and states. Without these forms of communication, our connections would be fewer and farther between. With friends and for casual communication, I use Snapchat and Messenger apps.

Professionally, I use my company’s email server and Outlook, Skype for after-hour meetings or situations where face-to-face isn’t possible, Google docs to streamline work on projects, Facebook groups, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Listserv to communicate en masse with subscribers to my websites.

At this juncture, I have no questions regarding the ePortfolio project. I look forward to adding to it.



Thurlow, C., Lengel, L., & Tomic, A. (2012). Computer mediated communication: Social interaction and the internet. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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