COMM368: Reflections on Wix
Wix to Highlight
My Wix page serves as a viewfinder for those who want more information on my skills, abilities, and talents. It is a user-friendly platform that allows me to highlight work I am doing at ODU while offering snapshots into personality and presence. From blog posts to research papers and presentations, the assignments offer clear examples of my abilities.
A Work in Progress
The assignments themselves aren’t the only parts on which I focus, as the design of the ePortfolio is a telling artifact. It's a reflection of me and I intend for it to present that reflection with excellence. I liken my website to a brick and mortar store, with the assignments and content being the products inside. If I visit a store with a run-down façade and enter to find mayhem, I won’t stay long.
Applying this concept to my website, I want to ensure the façade (home page) is pleasant, welcoming, not too busy, and my pages are easy to navigate. In addition to adding content, I continually tweak fonts, colors, effects, and layouts. My life is not static--my website shouldn't be, either.
At this juncture, I have no questions about the ePortfolio project. I look forward to continuing its development.