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First Blog Post of Fall 2017--Curating!

My Wix account was set up at the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester. The platform is quite user-friendly--following the on-screen prompts makes it easy to navigate. The greatest challenge I faced was simply finding a solid few hours in my schedule to create and polish it. I’m confident about my professional, online presence, and I enjoy maintaining it and adding new experiences and interests. Being one who derives satisfaction from visuals (e.g., checklists, schedules, graphs,) my Wix account affords me the ability to see my progress and accomplishments. Forward motion, no matter at what rate or speed, is still forward motion. I want neither regression nor stagnancy, and my Wix account is a catalyst that helps propel me to my goals.

Social media posting is always approached with forethought. I have a personal rule to keep my accounts free from politically-charged posts, diatribes about companies and small businesses, and foul language. Since I, as an employer, have looked up potential hires on social media, I know others do, too. I intend to represent myself as one who would be an asset to another (be it a company, potential client, or friend,) rather than a detriment. From my LinkedIn account, I cross-post onto Twitter and Pinterest for professional posts and information-sharing in my field. I’m much more comfortable linking my professional social media accounts on my Wix website because of the content I share.

I’ve no questions at this juncture. The changes I make within my website are continual—removing outdated information, updating the resume, adding new photographs from my digital portfolio—all of which I’ve done for this class. I update frequently because life is not static and my website should reflect that.

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