Reflections, COMM302
My ePortfolio experience in COMM302 was valued greatly. I learned more of the technical workings of the platform while working simultaneously on the aesthetics. Content as well as appearance are equally important, as both are necessary in presenting oneself professionally. Time spent and care given in working on the ePortfolio is evidenced in attention to detail and careful consideration of graphics and layout. Sloppy work on an ePortfolio can be indicative of sloppy work in careers, so it is wise to be conscientious of what one presents since potential employers will be viewing it.
EPortfolios are advantageous in that one can capture a large snapshot of talents, areas of expertise, experience, and hobbies. Where typical paper resumes require a condensed version of those aspects, my ePortfolio will contain the details I feel are necessary in selling myself to employers, or in persuading potential clients to hire me for my expertise. Upon graduation, I plan on opening my own business as a business consultant. My ePortfolio will be included on my business website, as well as linked through my social media accounts such as Instagram, Facebook. Snapchat, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It is an excellent tool in providing information that may be what a client is looking for in their search to hire a consultant. I am afforded more creative liberty, too, through this portal.
My experience is continually growing, so the ePortfolio will be frequently expanding. Most recently, I was able to add my position as Executive Board Member for our local Chamber of Commerce. Within the next six months, I will be able to add my membership to our town’s Economic Development Committee. Participation in these organizations and committees, as well as my experience in planning local events that draw 2000+ people to town, will instill confidence in potential clients that they are making a wise decision in hiring me as their consultant.
Eventually, I will consider adding paid features such as a personal domain name, and graphics and fonts that are currently not available in the free platform. My photography will be showcased, since I use it to document events that I have planned, as well as events that promote our town through tourism. It can potentially open doors for me to be hired as an event photographer, too. Ultimately, the ePortfolio opens doors to new opportunities and is a catalyst for continual self-improvement and broadened horizons.
The main project for this class—the research proposal—was enlightening. While at this juncture I have no desire to go into a field that involves this type of research, I can use what I’ve learned to do more thorough lay-research in my quest to assist businesses in their progress and growth. As far as doing anything differently, I wish I had the forethought to read ahead and know in advance how to go about doing the research, rather than doing it as I’m learning. Upon completion of the class, I realize I know things now that I wish I had known at the start of the research proposal project.
The most valuable learning experiences this semester are that I have become hyper-aware of my surroundings, and I am even more inquisitive than I was before. I notice, too, that I am continually wondering about correlations and causations. “Is there a higher incidence of [this] in [this population]? If so, why?” “Did A cause B?” While I stated that I am not planning on going into a research field, I know that nothing is set in stone. I never dreamed I would be re-enrolling in college in my mid-40’s—or working and volunteering in a field that had zero interest to me in my early 20’s. I’ve been determined to ace every class, complete every project, read every word.
This makes me wonder, “Are non-traditional students typically more likely than traditional students to strive for higher grades? If so, is it because of life experiences? Because university attendance was a deliberate, well-thought-out, conscious decision? Because the value of a dollar is higher for those in our demographics and we don’t want our money to be wasted?”
I’ve had the class—perhaps I should do a bit of research….