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COMM 302 Reflections

This is my first experience creating an ePortfolio. I appreciate the platform’s ease of use and cost (free!) Wix is easy to navigate and learn, even for the novice user. I didn't encounter anything too terribly challenging, as I had prior practice in learning platforms when I created my personal website with another webhost.

Representation of my professional skills seems lacking at this juncture. I’m still unsure as to how to showcase my abilities. I have 24 years of nursing experience (though not licensed,) and the only paid job I’ve had since 1992 is the 25 hours a month as facilitator for a special needs parent support group the last 5 years. I am administrator to over 30 Facebook pages, I held the title of “Communications Chairperson” for an organization I helped found, I am an event planner for two localities, event photographer/social media manager for a 501(c)3 organization of which I’m a member, I'm an event photographer for my town (just recently some of my work was on the front page of our paper,) I was the event photographer for a music festival, and have been a consultant for the town concerning promotion, tourism, and small business prosperity. All, however, have been in the volunteer capacity.

Aside from the photography gigs and support group meetings, I’m able to perform all the tasks from home. If I had to be in the field, I wouldn’t be able to do them. My mind is having a conflict of thought--I see the ePortfolio as a way to highlight my skills, talents, and abilities, with the idea of being hired by someone. Unless the person for whom I work allows me to set my own hours and schedule (and mostly from home,) I won't be working for anyone. Hence my desire to own my own business. I've also considered freelancing.

I do believe my writing skills are showcased. I began my writing career on a traditional (non-electric) typewriter when I was fourteen years old. In 2001 I wrote a manuscript, and since then have been published in periodicals and a magazine. I’ve developed a style of writing in the 30+ years I’ve been dedicated to the pen, but I’ve had to quell my writing voice in favor of more traditional/formal writing for assignments, which has been rather difficult.

At this stage of the ePortfolio project, I don't have any questions.

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